All Because of 'Kulikuli'

Saturday 10-Nov-2018, 6:31AM / 1172

Written June 14, 2012


We used to call him 'Siliki' but that was not his real name. I had tried hard to bring his name to memory but alas. But I can remember him well for his shylock attitude, and that he was not a Muslim. We were in the same class but a bit older than I was, at least that was noticeable in his physique.

We were in JS One in one of the schools established close to the year of the Nigerian Independence. The town was Ondo and the year was 1990 or thereabout. What happened? I lost several of my plates of rice to Siliki. Why? He would give about five sticks of kulikuli and took my plate of rice in exchange. That took place more than ten times! Hunger often drove me to that. I was indeed a kid and a fresher from the village. Come and see Siliki any time he collected my plate of rice with no mercy. We were boarders and I so dearly cherished kulikuli.

I remembered the incident some few days ago when I bought some Kulikuli - groundnut cake - again from the market.

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Name: Abu Mas'oud
Saturday 16-Mar-2019, 12:10PM
Comment: Funny. May Allah give grant you increase in knowledge..
Aboo Aamir Replied to: Name: Abu Mas'oud
Thursday 21-Mar-2019, 12:09PM
Comment: Aameen..