Moral Assessment: Excerpts from Prosimetrics of Hareeree (Part III)

Friday 07-Dec-2018, 10:57AM / 1099

وَلَوْ لاحَظَكَ الحَظّْ 
لََمَا طَاحَ بِكَ اللَّحْظْ 
وَلا كُنْتَ إِذَا الوَعْظْ 
جَلا الأَحْزَانَ تَغْتَمّْ 

If fortune had noticed you (itself without you going for it by all means),
Its occurrence wouldn't have destroyed you
And you neither show sadness,
Nor grief when admonished.

كَأَنِّيْ بِكَ تَنْحَــطّْ 
إِلَى اللَّحْدِ وَتَنْغَـطْ 
وَقَدْ أَسْـلَمَكَ الرَّهْطْ 
إِلَى أَضْيَقَ مِنْ سَـمْ 

It is like you're decaying,
As you are lowered to the grave,
And your people have surrendered you,
To what is narrower than threading hole. 

هُنَاكَ الجِسْمُ مَمْدُوْدْ 
لِيَسْـتَأْكِلَهُ الدُّوْدْ 
إِلَى أَنْ يَنْخَرَ العُوْدْ 
وَيُمْسِيْ العَظْمُ قَدْ رَمّْ 

There (in the grave) exits an outspread body
That the worms may feed on
Till the dacay of the last piece,
And the whole body will turn rotten.

وَمِـنْ بَعْدُ فَلا بُدّْ 
مِنَ العَرْضِ إِذَا اعْتُدْ 
صِـرَاطٌ جِسْرُهُ مُدّْ 
عَلَى النَّارِ لِمَــنْ أَمّْ

Then after that will surely come
The reckoning at its appointed time
And a bridge, extended,
Over the Hell for he who crosses along.

فَكَمْ مِنْ مُرْشِدٍ ضَلّْْ 
وَمِنْ ذِيْ عِــزَّةٍ ذَلّْْ 
وَكَمْ مِنْ عَـالِمٍ زَلّْ 
وَقَالَ الخَطْبُ قَدْ طَمّْ

How often has the guider strayed! 
And the mighty debased!
And how frequent has the scholar erred? 
And he would say, "this is a pervading misfortune."