Q&A: What Constitutes al-Khalwah - Seclusion with An Unrelated Woman?

Wednesday 02-Jan-2019, 1:50AM / 1078

Translation: Abul Aamaal Misbaah Olagunju (@Bin_Uthmaan)

Question Seventeen:
Is it permissible for a young lady to be secluded with a strange man in the presence of her brother who is nine (9) years old?

Response: It is a condition for the establishment of khalwah (seclusion), that it involves a man and a woman alone in the absence of a mumayiz (a child who has reached the age of discernment).

This is what is regarded as khalwah in the sharee'ah, from which the rulings stemmed.

As for someone whose husband is away, it is permissible for a league of men who are trustworthy to gather to meet with her and ask her regarding her condition.

Because the Prophet —Allah raise his rank and grant him peace— along with group from amongst his companions visited a woman whose husband was away on jihad, this report is in Sahih Muslim and Imam An-Nawaawi said in his explanation on this hadith: "it is permissible for people of good manners and honour if they are more than one, to be secluded with a woman when it's necessary and inevitable, when necessary and inevitable (emphasis) seclusion with her in this does no harm. 

And the people of knowledge  say, "a single man with a number of women (more than one) is (considered) seclusion while a number of men (more than one) with a single woman is not khalwah, a number of men of good manners, honour and religion secluding with a woman, most especially when something necessitates it (their seclusion), then there is no harm in that. 

And with Allah is the best knowledge of all affairs.

Friday Sitting of Verdicts with ash-Shaykh Mashoor bin Hasan Aali-Salman —hafidhahullaah. 
14th, Rabi'ul Aakhir 1440