Part Two: Jar'h Wa Ta'deel Is Ijithaad, and Ilzaam bí-Tabdee is by Ijmaa

Saturday 23-Sep-2023, 4:03AM / 899

Part Two

فصل: ذكر الأقوال في عدم جواز إلزام الناس برأي عالم معين

A Mention of the Statements (of Scholars) on Impropriety of Forcing People to Accept the View of A Particular Scholar

١. قال الإمام أحمد -رحمه الله-: "ما ينبغي للفقيه أن يحمل الناس على مذهبه، ولا يشدد عليهم". (الفتاوى الكبرى [٣٣٩/٦])

1. Al-Imaam Ahmad (1) - rahimahullah - said:

'It is not proper for a faqeeh to force people to adopt his school-of-thought, and he should not be stern on them.' 
al-Fatawa Al-Kubra: 6/339

Ù¢. قال الإمام الليث بن سعد المصري -رحمه الله - : "إذا جاء الإختلاف أخذنا فيه بالأحوط." ( جامع بيان العلم وفضله [١٦٩٦] ) 

2. Al-Imaam al-Layth bn Sa'd al-Misree (2) - rahimahullah - said: 

'When there comes difference of opinions we adopt the one that is safest.' 
Jaami Bayaan al-Ilm wa Fadlu-hu: 1696

٣. قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية الحراني -رحمه الله-: "كان أئمة أهل السنة والجماعة لا يلزمون الناس بما يقولونه من موارد الاجتهاد ولا يكرهون أحدا عليه". (الفتاوى الكبرى [٣٣٩/٦])

3. Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah al-Harraanee (3) - rahimahullah - said:

'The scholars of Ahlu-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa'ah would not force people to accept their words that are based on Ijtihaad, and they would not compel anyone over it.' 
al-Fatawa Al-Kubra 6/339

Ù¤. وقال - عليه رحمة الله - "فلا يجب على الناس أن يقولوا ما لم يوجب الله قوله عليهم، وقد يقول الرجل كلمة وتكون حقا لكن لا يجب على كل الناس أن يقولوها، وليس أنه يوجب على الناس أن يقولوها؛ فكيف إذا كانت الكلمة تتضمن باطلا؟"  (مجموع الفتاوى ٤٨٧/١١)   

4. He (Ibn Taymiyyah) - rahimahullah - also said:

'It is not imperative on the people to say whatever Allaah has not made obligatory upon them to say. Someone might say a word of truth but will not be imperative upon everyone to say it, and it is not for him to force the people to say it let alone when the word contains falsehood.' 
Majmoo al-Fatawa 11/487

Translator's Note:

(1) He is Al-Imaam Abu Abdillaah Ahmad bn Muhammad bn Hanbali as-Shaybaani, the leader of Ahlu-Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah for his steadfastness during the trial with Quraan. He was one of the Four Great Scholars of Schools-of-Thought. He lived in Baghdad, born 164AH and died 241AH. May Allaah bestow mercy on him. 

(2) He is Al-Imaam Layth bn Sa'd from Egypt. A contemporary and friend of Al-Imaam Maalik. A scholar par excellence who was also stupendously rich, it was believed that he was more knowledgeable than Maalik. He was born 94AH and died 175AH, may Allaah bestow mercy on him. 

(3) He is Abul Abbaas Taqiudeen Ahmad bn Abdilaleem Ibn Taymiyyah. He was based in Syria. Born 661AH and died 728AH. May Allaah bestow mercy on him. 

Watch out for part three Inshaa Allaah. 

Click here for Part Three (a) 

Click here for part one.