Shaykh bn Baz - rahimahullah - answered:
It depends on level of the distortions (by such scholars). Distortions are to be shunned. Whenever anybody sees any distortion from any scholar, such a scholar must not be followed on such a distortion. (But take note that) every scholar has his own misconstructions and errors. A student of knowledge is to follow the truth upon proofs, not mistakes of scholars.
The second question is:
There are some people, O Shaykh, who used to stipulate some conditions that when you mention Ibn Hajar (al-Asqaalaanee) and an-Nawawee you must state at the back of their name 'the follower of deviant Ash'aree Creed', so that people will not be misled. How true is this, O Shaykh?
Answer: This is baseless.
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Translation by Aboo Aamir