(Eid Series) How Many Rams for A Household?

Saturday 25-Jul-2020, 2:44AM / 1428

Question: If a household has a lot of members, is one slaughter sufficient for them?

Answer: 'Yes, it is sufficient. A report came in Il'zaamaat of ad-Daaraqutnee that one of the Companions said: We would slaughter just a ram (for all the members of our family) and our neighbours never ceased to think we were misers..'

Yes, a ram is sufficient for a household and a family which depends on the same benefactor.

- Fatwa by Ash-Shaykh Muqbil al-Waadi - rahimahullahu. 

Source: Qaamiu al-Mu' aanid, 2/367

Translated by Aboo Aamir Ishaaq bn AbdirRaheem via @sid_fayca

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