Never Stay Away from Learning, Never!

Sunday 07-Feb-2021, 7:09AM / 1129

No excuse is tenable against the quest for learning. 

It is nature of man to make excuses, in fact, he will die making them. But know that there is no excuse you can tender against learning. 

اطلب العلم ولا تركن إلى الكسل
'Seek knowledge, do not court laziness.'

You just have to keep learning, no mater what. Let a day without learning be a day of your sorrow. 

It is Shaytaan that makes you think you have points against learning. He will always make you think so. So you have to free yourself from him. 

إِنَّ الشَّيطانَ لَكُم عَدُوٌّ فَاتَّخِذوهُ عَدُوًّا
"Indeed Shaytaan is to you an enemy, so take him an enemy..."
[Fâtir: 6]

Seek the reputable scholars of Sunnah and learn under them. 

العلم يؤتى ولا يأتي 
'Knowledge is to be sought, it does not come itself.'

You don't need to attack all the knowledge at a time. Take it little by little.

العلم شيئا فشيئا 
'Knowledge is little by little.'

The best place to start is always the Qur'aan. Master how to read it then proceed to others. 

Never be in haste. Don't compare yourself with anybody, so far you are in learning. 

Don't shun the circles of learning of scholars. Watch that good behaviour in the scholars and imbibe them. When you find a teacher questionable in character, perhaps he is wayward, deceitful, arrogant, or the likes, kindly run away from him. 

However, know that there is no perfect teacher anywhere but not a descent to waywardness and its likes. 

Don't busy yourself with current happenings. We are in a period of social media where the information flow is massive. There is all sort of news everywhere. Don't get stucked in the buzz and razzmatazz, get time for your Islamic learning. 

And be careful of many of the speakers on the social media. Listen and watch the trustworthy ones, alone. Those who call to the pristine Islam. 

Flee from the people of heresies who flamboyantly sell misguidance to the people. There is one of them on the prowl now, in Nigeria, denying the coming back of Eesa the Son of Mary - alahyi salaam. 

Just know that learning is a continuous process, it will never stop. 

Al-Imaam Ahmad - rahimahullaah - said:

مع المحبرة إلى المقبرة 
'Knowledge is to be sought till death.'

May Allaah grant us the leave to learn His Deen.